Chihiro Kitada
北田 千尋(きただ ちひろ)
第7回仙台国際音楽コンクール第4位受賞。第1回ブラチスラヴァ舞台芸術アカデミー国際音楽コンクール第2位。第65回全日本学生音楽コンクール全国大会中学生の部第 1位。いしかわミュージックアカデミーIMA 奨励賞、ミュージックアカデミーin みやざき優秀賞、霧島国際音楽祭賞など数々の賞を受賞。広島県教育委員会より『メイプル賞』、広島市長より『フェニックス賞』受賞。
東京・春・音楽祭、宮崎国際音楽祭、霧島国際音楽祭、別府アルゲリッチ音楽祭等に出演。 日本フィルハーモニー交響楽団、仙台フィルハーモニー管弦楽団、東京交響楽団、桐朋学園オーケストラ、プラハ国民劇場オーケストラ、スロヴァキア放送交響楽団など国内外のオーケストラと共演。ソリストのほかオーケストラのゲストコンサートミストレス、室内楽奏者としても国内外のコンサートに出演。
メディア出演も多く、NHK Eテレ「クラシック音楽館」、NHK BS プレミアム「クラシック倶楽部」、NHK-FM「リサイタル・ノヴァ」などに出演。
これまでに川本義幸、小室瑛子、村上直子、篠﨑功子、堀米ゆず子の各氏に師事。室内楽を 佐々木亮、銅銀久弥、徳永二男、磯村和英、池田菊衛、堤剛、山崎伸子、大山平一郎、練木繁夫、鈴木康浩の各氏に師事。
Chihiro KITADA was born on November 8, 1996 in Hiroshima, Japan. She began playing the violin at the age of three. She graduated from Toho Gakuen School of Music in Tokyo with her bachelor degree and master degree. she studied at Koninklijk Conservatorium Brussel.
She won the 4th prize at the 7th Sendai International Music Competition, 2nd prize at the International Violin Competition at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava, 1st Prize at the 65th Student Music Concours of Japan. She has performed at the Tokyo Spring Music Festival, Miyazaki International Music Festival, Kirishima International Music Festival, Beppu Argerich Music Festival, and others. She has performed with orchestras in Japan and abroad, including the Japan Philharmonic Orchestra, Sendai Philharmonic Orchestra, Tokyo Symphony Orchestra, Toho Gakuen Orchestra, Prague National Theater Orchestra, and Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra. She has performed as a soloist, guest concert mistress for orchestras, and chamber music player in concerts in Japan and abroad.
As a member of Quartet Amabile, she won the 3rd prize and a special prize in the string quartet division at the 65th Munich International Music Competition and 1st prize at the Young Concert Artists International Auditions in New York. They have received numerous awards, including the Kirishima International Music Festival Award, the Tsuyoshi Tsutsumi Music Director Award, and the Hotel Okura Award. She has also participated in the Young Prague International Music Festival and the Crans Montana Music Festival in Switzerland. She has performed with Martha Argerich, Dang Thai Son, Paul Meyer, Jörg Widmann, Jerusalem Quartet and other renowned musicians.
She has studied with Yoshiyuki Kawamoto, Eiko Komuro, Naoko Murakami, Isako Shinozaki, and Yuzuko Horigome. She has studied chamber music under Ryo Sasaki, Hisaya Dogin, Tsugio Tokunaga, Kazuhide Isomura, Kikuei Ikeda, Tsuyoshi Tsutsumi, Nobuko Yamazaki, Heiichiro Ohyama, Shigeo Neriki, and Yasuhiro Suzuki. She received the scholarships from the Yamaha Music Foundation Music Scholarship Support, the Aoyama Music Foundation, the Meiji Yasuda Quality of Life Foundation, the Munetsugu Angel Foundation, the Hiroshima Peace Creation Foundation, and the Fukushima Scholarship Foundation.